The Tale of a Zebra (EDS) and POTS

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November and December 2019

Specialist Updates:

* I’m still waiting for the appointment with the Neurologist through UCSD (there’s a long wait to see her).

* Physical therapy was confused by the orders and tried to set me up with regular PT rather than aquatic. I need to call the other facility and get set up with the right regimen.


* The MRI was supposed to be earlier this week but had to be postponed because the insurance “needed more information” in order to approve it.


* I’ve been sick for over a week now and after a visit to urgent care on Sunday and then a follow up visit to the lab for a chest x-ray on Tuesday - We know that I don’t have pneumonia. And he prescribed an inhaler and cough suppressant to deal with my bronchitis. He said I should be feeling better in about a week to 10 days.

* I quarantined myself to avoid getting anyone else in my house sick. I have been unable to work or go to class. I made sure my professor was fully aware of what was going on. She insisted that I stay home from class on Monday but I tried to go last night (Wednesday). I ended up having to leave the classroom twice due to coughing fits I couldn’t get under control. I left class after being there only for an hour :( of the 3.5 hour class. Luckily she was understanding and said “I hope you feel better soon” as I was walking out of class.

* I have another class on Saturday this week (most weeks we only have class Mondays & Wednesdays) due to the upcoming holiday break. I’m really hoping I can make it through that entire class. Most importantly, we have a test that night. *Fingers Crossed and happy thoughts that I can make it through* !


* Other than being sick, class has been going really well. I had missed being in school. The only part that I’m nervous for is blood draws because we practice on each other. And if you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you know that I pass out at the sight of my own blood. I have to lay down for simple blood draws. So we’ll see how this goes haha! Luckily, my friend who is a licensed midwife, has offered to lend her arm (and veins) for me to practice.

Other Fun Stuff:

* On Black Friday, I finally decided to buy a weighted blanket. Let me tell you, it’s a game changer! It helps me fall asleep so much faster and I LOVE IT! I had been worried it would be too much or make me sublux more and it doesn’t. It feels like a hug and I don’t know how I slept without it.

* After my car sat at the mechanic for OVER A MONTH, I finally got her back <3 WOW did I miss my car! He had loaned me a 2006 mechanic’s special with 176k miles on it, windows I could barely see out of, and the strong stench of cigarette smoke. I think the stress of having to deal with my mechanic was what lowered my immune system and made me sick. I had to threaten to bring in a lawyer for him to actually start working on my car. I have a dash cam, so I know he didn’t START working on my car until after he had already had it for a month. He had moved it around the lot a few times to make room to work on other cars… my car sat, without being worked on for more than 30 days. And then when he started working on it… he couldn’t find the right parts. I have my car back, but it still isn’t finished *end rant*

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