
Welcome to my blog.

My goal is to help provide EDS & Dysautonomia patients with resources to discuss with their healthcare team.

New Supplement Trial

New Supplement Trial

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I was contact through my blog by a company that has a supplement to help those of us with Chronic Conditions. The doctor that created it has POTS and other conditions that come with it. Her son also developed symptoms at an early age. She created this supplement and became her first test subject and she’s now back to working full time (after being bedridden).

In the email, they asked if I wanted to do an affiliate program (where I would get a portion of the purchase price in exchange for adding links to their supplements). I said I needed to try this supplement before recommending it to other people.

Today is Day 1 of starting it. I’ll keep you posted with how things are going and provide links to their research & backstory as I’m finishing up the 30 day trial.

I took it about 5 hours ago and so far, no side effects. I’m not sure if I’m noticing an increase in my energy because it’s just a “good spoons day” or because of the supplement. Time will tell.

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Medication Issues...Again.

Medication Issues...Again.

